Reflective Journal - Week 8

What did you learn from the unit?

-The future of nursing

-Organ transplants and travel


-Portfolio, 5 year plan

Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why?

I learned a lot from he discussion with my team about the future of nursing. I think my team members didn’t understand or agree with my reply about it. I had the unpopular opinion that widening nurse’s scope of practice isn’t something I would like. I am very comfortable with my scope of practice right now. I personally wouldn’t want more privileges because it comes with more responsibility, which I would prefer not to have. I also think that nurse’s role, as it is now, is very needed. If we have a wider scope of practice, would hope that would come with higher pay. I don’t think Hospital administration would like to pay nurses more to do things that they are already paying doctors and nurse practitioners to do. Does that make sense? I just think that widening a nurse’s scope of practice requires more training and education anyway. At that point, jus become a nurse practitioner if you want more privileges.

How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice.

I liked learning about the goals of nursing, that way I can try to contribute to achieving those goals. I am currently working towards the goal to have nurses obtain higher levels of education, by pursuing a bachelor’s degree. I also want to help contribute to the goal of having people see the value in of nursing by trying my best to be an exemplary nurse that helps show them our value.

Your personal feelings about the material covered.

In summary, I feel very comfortable with nursing’s scope of practice right now. I also had a lot of stress learning about all that can go wrong with the travel of organs. That would be so sad to finally relieve a donor organ, but it doesn’t get to you or a loved one in time!
