Reflective Journal - Week 11
What did you learn from the unit?
I learned a lot this unit about change and managing change.
Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why?
As a group, we watched a video titled Who Moved My Cheese which followed 4 subjects experience finding cheese. It taught about the inevitability of change and the importance of embracing change and learning how to adapt. It also taught me the importance of preparation and never getting too comfortable. We had to choose which subject in the film whom we most identified. I identified with Haw, which became comfortable and complacent, but eventually recognizes that change happens and we must change too and adapt. He learned a lesson in the end. I was surprised that none of my team members identified with Haw. I was the only one. I learned from my teammates that “going with the flow” is better than becoming “set in your ways.”
How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice.
I will utilize this information in my nursing practice by embracing the change the will inevitably happen throughout my career. Also, I will prepare myself for that change by keeping up with continuing education and evolving myself while out career evolves overtime.
Your personal feelings about the material covered.
I really liked the information covered this week. I think it is important for everyone to know that change is inevitable and learning to become easily adaptable is a great quality, especially one that leads to success.
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