Week 3 - Hiring - Reflective Journal

What did you learn from the unit.

I learned a lot from this unit about hiring. This topic honestly stresses me out a lot! Interviewing is so scary, but the things that I learned really helped ease my nerves on this topic. I learned that group interviews can be more effective than one-on-one interviews. I think a group interview would be even more intimidating! Especially since you are interviewing in front of the people you are competing against. I can see how this can be more effective and efficient for the hiring committee though. I have never been apart of a group interview, other than when I applied for nursing school. It was my least favorite part of the interview process. Speaking of the UVU nursing interview, when I was working on my behavioral-based interview questions, I reminded me of my one-on-one interviews for it. I was asked behavioral-based questions, and I didn’t know it at the time. Now I know what they are looking for when they ask those questions which might help me to respond better. 

Discuss your feelings/experiences from the team activities? Did it change your opinion on the subject? If so, how? If not, why?

Our group assignment was picking who we think should be hired. We had to come to a consensus. I was pleasantly surprised that all of us agreed on the same person right away! So, I didn’t have to change my opinion, because we were all on the same track! We chose the candidate that had been working on the unit already. My unit recently hired a new manager. I remember all of us wanted someone from our unit to be hired and not someone from outside the unit. That is part of the reason I chose the way that I did for the assignment. 

How you will utilize the information learned in your nursing practice.

This information is very applicable to my nursing practice. This information is very helpful in preparing to interview for a nursing job. Also, if we are ever in a leadership position where we would participate in hiring people, we are better prepared to come up with questions for that.

Your personal feelings about the material covered.

It was really interesting talking about the protected classifications in hiring. I’m very thankful for these, because I found out after being hired for my first job that I was pregnant. I was so worried that my manager was going to be upset with me. Even though I’m not required to say anything about pregnancy in my interview, if I would’ve known beforehand, I would’ve felt guilty during the interview and probably would have told the manager. So, I’m glad people are protected not to be discriminated against for pregnancy and having children. 
