
Showing posts from January, 2023

Week 3 - Hiring - Reflective Journal

What did you learn from the unit. I learned a lot from this unit about hiring. This topic honestly stresses me out a lot! Interviewing is so scary, but the things that I learned really helped ease my nerves on this topic. I learned that group interviews can be more effective than one-on-one interviews. I think a group interview would be even more intimidating! Especially since you are interviewing in front of the people you are competing against. I can see how this can be more effective and efficient for the hiring committee though. I have never been apart of a group interview, other than when I applied for nursing school. It was my least favorite part of the interview process. Speaking of the UVU nursing interview, when I was working on my behavioral-based interview questions, I reminded me of my one-on-one interviews for it. I was asked behavioral-based questions, and I didn’t know it at the time. Now I know what they are looking for when they ask those questions which might help me

Leadership Week 2 Reflective Journal - Successful Leadership

  1.  What did you learn from the unit. I learned a lot from this week’s unit on successful leadership. I really enjoyed the DISC personality test. There, I learned that I have a lot of personality characteristics that are split between the four personality types listed in the DISC results. I was surprised to find that my personality is split between two very opposite personality types. I was honestly happy with my results that I am well-rounded in regards to personality trait. I think this might mean that I will be able to tailor my leadership style to the needs of the people I am working with.  I learned a lot from the article I read about management too! Something that stood out a lot to me was the importance of monitoring the well being of the people you are managing. Their well-being is important to assess, so that they are able to feel happy at work and do their jobs well. This is an important quality of a leader: to be able to keep your “followers” happy and make them feel well

Characteristics of Leadership

Identify examples of Nursing Role Activities  for each of the following twelve (12)  Characteristics of Leaders.  An example is given for number 1. 1.        Leadership requires personal mastery  – Nurses demonstrate leadership when they show competence and mastery in the tasks they perform. Nurses are deemed competent by means of a license to practice nursing (NLN 2010). 2.        Leadership is about values  – Nurses demonstrate leadership when they have good values. “ Nursin g values are fundamental to the practice of nursing. They guide standards for action, provide a framework for evaluating behaviour and influence practice decisions” (Kenny, 2002). 3.        Leadership is about service  – Nurses demonstrate leadership when they serve their patients and the people they work with. 4.        Leadership is about people and relationships  – Nurses demonstrate leadership when they build good, professional relationships with their patients and the people they work with.  5.        Leader

DISC Personality Test

     a. The results of the test Pretty split for the most part!      b. Was this a revelation? New knowledge about yourself? The results were pretty surprising to me. I think it is odd how split it is. I guess that’s could be a good thing, because I’m a little bit of each category, besides the influential category. It didn’t surprise me that I didn’t have very many in the 2nd column, because I’m not really a people person. When I was younger, I probably would have selected more in the column 1 category (Dominant). As I have gotten older and more mature, I have grown more qualities in the 4th column (Conscientious), since I the dominant traits aren’t very desirable for me to express. I mostly keep those personality traits to myself. I think that is why I’m split between two opposing personality types. Column 1 are my natural traits, and column 3 and 4 are my learned/acquired personality traits.       c. How will this affect your leadership style? I think my split traits will help me be