Week 3 - Hiring - Reflective Journal
What did you learn from the unit. I learned a lot from this unit about hiring. This topic honestly stresses me out a lot! Interviewing is so scary, but the things that I learned really helped ease my nerves on this topic. I learned that group interviews can be more effective than one-on-one interviews. I think a group interview would be even more intimidating! Especially since you are interviewing in front of the people you are competing against. I can see how this can be more effective and efficient for the hiring committee though. I have never been apart of a group interview, other than when I applied for nursing school. It was my least favorite part of the interview process. Speaking of the UVU nursing interview, when I was working on my behavioral-based interview questions, I reminded me of my one-on-one interviews for it. I was asked behavioral-based questions, and I didn’t know it at the time. Now I know what they are looking for when they ask those questions which might help me