Reflective Journal Week 11 - Nursing Across the Ages
What I learned about the time period being studied What I learned from my literature review and historical discussion was: Nursing students got government bursaries (monthly salary). They’re outfits were dresses and aprons and a nurse hat., but some weren’t wearing the hat. On the first day of nursing school you go straight to working what we would consider clinical for 2 weeks until lectures started. They had to live in nurses’ residence for the first year. Nurses would help prepare and serve meals. Medications weren’t individually dispensed. They were out on a trolley. There were no computers or electronic records. Recording vitals signs required using a three colored pen to reflect the three different shifts. You had to use a mercury thermometer, pin watch for counting respirations and heart rate, manual BP. IV fluids were in glass bottles. IF you needed to control the speed of an infusion, you had to count the drops in a minute. I learned from my classmates that: Nursing r